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mental representation造句

"mental representation"是什么意思  
  • Mental representation of locations and spatial relations of objects
  • Recalling words not presented in lists : mental representation
  • The theory of mental representation strategies on arithmetic word problems
  • The characteristics of the mental representation of second language knowledge
  • Talk on mental representation of language in foreign language listening comprehension
  • Recalling words not presented in lists : mental representation of chinese compounds
  • ( 3 ) the mental representation has influence on advanced mathematical concept
    ( 3 )高层次数学概念的心理表征对概念发展的个案研究。
  • The development of theories of mental representation and processing of chinese polymorphemic words
  • The schema of mathematics concept is a whole of mental representation which people builds up
  • The individual " s knowledge of mathematics and the level of thinking would influence problem mental representation
  • It's difficult to see mental representation in a sentence. 用mental representation造句挺难的
  • Please describe three lines of evidence that suggest humans use image - like mental representations . present criticisms of each
  • The researchers conclude that becoming familiar with a toy strengthened the babies ' mental representations of it enough to search for it
  • It is not uncommon to form a mental representation of this traversal path by running through the execution sequence of the code in your mind
  • When a child sees a miniature of a familiar object , visual information ? the object ' s shape , color , texture and so on ? activates the child ' s mental representation of its referent
  • So , it is important to research its structure and how to instruct students to construct clear and comprehensive mental representation in order to understand and master the concept
  • The cognitive psychology inheriting behaviorism methodologically , however , mistook " meaning making " as " information processing " , aspiring after the mental representations in human mind - the " mirror of nature "
    然而,在方法论上传承了行为主义的认知心理学,片面地将“意义制造”理解为“信息加工” ,追求心灵“自然之镜”中的“心理表象” 。
  • The final forms of mental representation dominate students " cognition to it . the faults occurred in every period of inner process of ml all will cause incomplete mental representation , and then form pd of ml learning . 3
  • An introduction to human information processing and learning ; topics include the nature of mental representation and processing ; the architecture of memory ; pattern recognition ; attention ; imagery and mental codes ; concepts and prototypes ; reasoning and problem solving
  • As an introduction to human information processing and learning , the topics include the nature of mental representation and processing , the architecture of memory , pattern recognition , attention , imagery and mental codes , concepts and prototypes , reasoning and problem solving
  • This article includes four parts : part 1 makes a brief introduction of constructivism and interprets the viewpoint on learning and teaching in view of it ; part 2 analyses the structure of mental representation of mathematics concept and troubles which students usually meet ; part 3 elaborates the different way to obtain mathematics concept in initial stage and deepening stage ; part 4 , at first , elaborates how to instruct the students to construct correct mental representation in view of constructivism , then illustrates how to engage in concrete practice on the teaching of mathematics concept by means of an example ( the teaching of reasonable number )
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